The Repletion Postpartum


1:1 mentorship for postpartum mothers

Hi mumma,

Are you feeling depleted, drained, overwhelmed, anxious,

hyper-vigilant, exhausted…

all of the above?

I see you. I’ve been there.


Your vitality is required.

These are the years to enjoy your kids. To be enriched by your mothering journey. To create beautiful memories, to zoom them around the room playing aeroplanes, rock them endlessly to sleep. To be regulated, vibrant and fun. To be the steward of their magical childhood.

You can’t operate from that place when you’re depleted. You can’t be present when you’re swimming in overwhelm. We can’t create magic when we’re anxious and on autopilot.

Who do you want to be in this season of your life?

What are the memories you want to create?

You can be a conscious, healthy, present mother AND a multidimensional, complex woman.

These precious years; your matriarch years, are the most powerful and transformative years of your life.

Don’t miss it because you’re too tired, too unregulated, too caught up in your own wounding to really feel the magic of it.

You’re not doing anything wrong. You just need more support.


This is not how motherhood is meant to feel…

After the birth of our first son, a hospital induction, my mothering came from a disempowered place. I hadn’t trusted my body or baby in pregnancy, so when it came to it, I couldn’t trust them in birth, either. This naturally spilled into my mothering once our boy was earthside, I couldn’t trust that I, his mother, was all that he needed. I continued to outsource my power, needing constant reassurance that he was doing ok. But I wasn’t ok, I ran myself into depletion that postpartum, neglecting every other area of my life and looping so constantly on doing everything ‘right’, my nervous system couldn’t actually let the joy of mothering in.

It all came to a head before our boy turned one, I woke up to my postnatal depletion and I woke up to the damage the allopathic intervention was having on my son’s health. I plunged head first down a million different rabbit holes of learning, unlearning and deconditioning. I healed my depletion and my son’s health and came out of that death rebirth cycle a completely different mother. I had found my power.

Motherhood is meant to be energising, joyful and fun. It’s time we rewrite the narrative that it’s got to be draining and hard.

Of course, it’s normal to be tired sometimes, but mothers are walking around with postpartum depletion for years after they’ve had their baby and don’t even know it. Or for others, they eat and move “right” but their unregulated nervous system doesn’t allow them to actually enjoy their kids. It doesn't have to be that way.

You can connect with your vitality in motherhood. You can feel energised and joyful and alive in your mothering journey.


Two main areas that may be hindering your postpartum experience.

  1. The physical - Postpartum Depletion affects 50% of mothers, that's right! Half. Postpartum depletion is the perfect storm of inadequate nutrition, insufficient sleep, stress and lack of support. We replete the nutritional deficiencies and begin a holistic combination of of bodily devotion. We remove any roadblocks to your healing so that your body can do what it does best, return to homeostasis.

  2. The energetic and emotional - We can't enjoy our kids if they're triggering our own childhood wounding. We can't enjoy our kids if our nervous system is too wired to let us be present with them. We can't enjoy our kids if our conditioning has us not trusting our own intuition and inner authority. We need to know how to regulate our nervous system so we can be deeply present with our kids, so that it can be joyful.

We address all of it and more on this intimate 10 week journey that allows for nuance, deep discovery and specific tailoring to your individual needs.


The Repletion Postpartum Journey

This 10 week bespoke 1:1 coaching experience includes:

  • 10 weeks of 1:1 mentoring

  • Fortnightly private ZOOM calls, recorded for you to keep

  • Mon - Friday support on VOXER

This program is for you, if you’re ready to:

  • Be supported and held by a sister as you navigate the shadows and struggles of postpartum

  • Bring joy and fun into your mothering journey

  • Feel energised, capable and calm

  • Stop outsourcing your power and become the authority on your family's health

  • Step into the your role as bold and confident matriarch

  • Make body-based decisions by tapping into your intuition and inner authority (your Human Design)

  • Discover who you are as a multidimensional woman AND a mother.

  • Feel safe to bring your whole self into your mothering.


$2700 USD

or 3 x payments of $990


 Frequently asked questions

What is Voxer all about?

Voxer is a voice messaging app that allows us to be in private communication 5 days a week. Voice noting is a brilliant way for you to share, it allows the exchange of energy as well as truly offering yourself up to be witnessed, which is where the healing happens.

For women not used to voice noting (there is also a texting option) it sometimes feels vulnerable at first. This is because we all have wounding around being seen and taking up space. Diving in is a soothing balm to this wound and it quickly becomes enjoyable (and addictive!) to let yourself be heard in this intimate way.

How do I know if I have postpartum depletion?

Postpartum depletion is not a medical term per se and does not require any formal diagnosis. if some of the below resonate, it is likely you are depleted.

  • General body fatigue / emotional fatigue

  • Insomnia / hyper-vigilance

  • Mood swings

  • Loss of libido

  • Feelings of guilt and shame

  • Isolation / lack of support

  • Baby brain

  • Low self-esteem / self-worth / lack of confidence in your ability to mother

  • Crying for no reason

  • Exhaustion disproportionate to exertion

  • Feelings of resentment

Not only do we heal depletion, we look at the patterns that got you there so you know how to spot the signs and get yourself out of there the next time. Healing the body and psyche go together, always.

What is private mentoring like?

Like a big ‘ol hug! My private mentoring clients are my soul sisters, I adore them and treat them accordingly. 1:1 work allows for so much depth and raw vulnerability. My eyes and heart are completely focussed on you, you are supported, you are seen, you are held.

There is NO hierarchy in this space. I am your guide, but we walk together, shoulder-to-shoulder, towards your healing.

How do I know it's for me?

You know mumma, you’re the only one that can. Making the decision to do this for yourself is the first step in healing, and it’s a big one! Being a martyr isn’t what motherhood is about. Your kids don’t want you tired and tapped out, they need you thriving! That is how you best serve them. That is how you lead them to value themselves.

It is your desire that has brought you this far, you are safe to trust it, that is the universe showing you the way.