Bespoke 1:1 coaching experiences


You’ve got a hot desire for an abundant, free and joyful life…

You’re desiring your next big upgrade.


You’re ready to call in your next level self and all the abundance she has to offer and you know that means getting off autopilot and unravelling your conditioning.


This is where most people stop. Their dream life and their real life never become one because they’re not willing to do the work, to lean in and to ask for support and guidance.


But you know that to have a life that nobody else has, you have to do what most people won’t.


You crave expansion, depth and transformation…

I see you; I am that woman too.

It might be in your –

  • health & healing

  • money & business

  • relationships

  • pregnancy & birth

  • spiritual growth

  • conscious mothering

  • sovereignty & autonomy

  • sensuality & sexuality

  • relationship to food & wellness

Maybe it’s one thing, maybe it’s all the things…

Whatever is calling to you, I am here to bring you into alignment with your Human Design, your values and your desires. From this authentic place, everything comes to you with more ease and less resistance.



I’m a 1/3 Manifesting Generator, multi-modality healer and homebirth mumma. I have gained my wisdom through formal study AND trying new things and making mistakes. I have gone to the school of life and now use this wisdom to guide my clients through their next ascension. It is my role to go first and show others the way and it is the expansion, awakening and unlearning that has shaped me as a mentor even more than all the higher education I have done.


My first degree was in women’s studies and philosophy, my second a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutrition, I have an Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine and am a trained energetic birthworker. I never stop learning, unlearning, expanding and growing.


I travel the world with my husband and our two gorgeous boys living my dharma and serving my soul clients.


I am a woman who makes her dreams happen and I lead other women to do the same.


To have it all you have to know how it hold it all. That is an art that is practiced and integrated in the everyday.

With an aligned woman in your corner, who can –


  • Identify the blocks that are holding you back

  • Love you in unconditional sisterhood

  • Call you out on your bullshit and shine a light on your programming

  • Witness you in the vulnerable and the raw moments of death and rebirth

  • Hold space while you heal and unravel

  • Hold a mirror up when you forget your power

  • Hype you to go for it and celebrate your wins


Option One

One-off 1:1 coaching intensive

$280 USD


1 x 60-minute zoom call

Option Two


Bespoke 1:1 coaching immersion

$944 USD /per month, for 2 months




8 weeks of 1:1 mentorship

High level, intimate intensive support 5 days a week

Voxer 1:1 support Monday to Friday

  • After confirming availability, make a payment using the link below and I will email you to set up our private Voxer container and give you a link to my calendar to schedule your zoom calls.


  • Voxer is a voice messaging app that allows us to be in private communication 5 days a week. Voice noting is a brilliant way for you to share, it allows the exchange of energy as well as truly offering yourself up to be witnessed, which is where the healing happens.

    For women not used to voice noting (there is also a texting option) it sometimes feels vulnerable at first. This is because we all have wounding around being seen and taking up space. Diving in is a soothing balm to this wound and it quickly becomes enjoyable (and addictive!) to let yourself be heard in this intimate way.

  • Like a big ‘ol hug! My private mentoring clients are my soul sisters, I adore them and treat them accordingly. 1:1 work allows for so much depth and raw vulnerability. My eyes and heart are completely focussed on you, you are supported, you are seen, you are held. I am in your corner and we can go wherever your healing and expansion requires, all of you is welcome.

    There is NO hierarchy in this space. I am your guide, but we walk together, shoulder-to-shoulder, towards your healing.

  • You know in your body, you’re the only one that can. Making the decision to do this for yourself is the first step in healing, and it’s a big one! Your mind might be giving you reasons why it’s not the right time but your body knows when it’s time to leap. You are safe to trust it.

    Being a martyr isn’t what motherhood is about. Your kids don’t want you tired and tapped out, they need you thriving! That is how you best serve them. That is how you lead them to value themselves.

    It is your desire that has brought you this far, you are safe to trust it, that is the universe showing you the way.