I liberate mothers so they can thrive in pregnancy, birth and beyond


Naturopathy and Energy Work

I combine Naturopathy, Energy Work and deep inner healing to guide women from fear and self-doubt in pregnancy to trusting their body and owning their birth, through repletion in postpartum, to thriving in motherhood. I use my knowledge of nutrition, herbs and physiology together with my energetic gifts to bring women into radical self-alignment. I guide women home to their intuition and inner authority, the decision making tools of the wild woman, so that desire lead over fear and programming.


I’m here to return power to birthing women, one mama at a time. 

I’m a Human Design manifesting generator 1/3, Leo sun, Virgo moon, Pisces rising. I’ve got two beautiful sons and had two very different births. My first was born in hospital and my second was born at home, both experiences were transformational and sacred. Those two journeys, the learning, expansion and awakening that came from them, are what have equipped me for this role, more than all the higher education I have done (and I have done lots!). Our family of four has a homestead on 120 acres of Ngarabal country in Australia, but we have made the world our home and are travelling longterm, currently we’re in Mexico.


I’m a student for life.

My first degree was in the arts, studying philosophy and women’s studies. After a career in fashion, lots of travel and living in London, my Saturn return brought me into the natural health world.

I completed a Health Science degree (BHSc) majoring in Nutrition, followed by an Advanced Diploma of Western Herbal Medicine. I practiced in clinics in Sydney before starting my own business serving women exclusively in 2018.

I never stop learning, unlearning, expanding and growing. I’m always diving into new courses to expand my skills (mani-gen, hello!), currently I’m studying muscle testing, German New Medicine and Human Design.

I believe birth is a woman’s rite of passage, a powerful initiation to motherhood, a portal for discovering your power is limitless

My passion, activism and work are in service to women and babies.

I believe that when women stop outsourcing their power and take control of their health, they make different choices in pregnancy.

Most women are robbed of their powerful initiation and come into motherhood not knowing how capable they are. This leads to anxiety, depression, outsourcing of power, feeling trapped / bored / overly consumed by motherhood or a dysregulated nervous system that won’t allow them to just enjoy their kids.

How you birth affects how you mother. Postpartum depression is a trauma response to industrialised birth. Postpartum depletion is biological response to lack of support and a lack of connection to self (intuition and inner authority). When women connect to their power in pregnancy, they go on to have transformational births, which leads to their thriving in motherhood.


Are you ready?

I work with powerful women who don’t want their birth to be a medical event and who are ready to step into their rightful place as strong and sovereign matriarch of their family.