Bespoke coaching experiences for

renegade women


I support women as they come back to themselves, their true nature and their pure life force in pregnancy, birth and beyond.

This is a home for wild women, for mothers who walk their own path, who do things differently, for the renegade mothers. For women who feel radiant in pregnancy, powerful in birth and energised in motherhood. For women who let their desires lead and boldly embody the matriarch of their family.


Hello lovely, I’m lou.

My life’s work is devoted to reconnecting women to their vitalism. 

I blend the latest health science with ancestral traditions, energy work, Human Design and deep inner healing to connect women to their life force, unlock their energetic vitality and bring them home to themselves. 


If you’re here, you’re ready to: 

Be the healthy, vibrant matriarch

Heal deficiencies with nutrient-dense wholefoods that take your family’s health to the next level. Feel energised and excited about your role as mother, confident in your ability and authority to steward your family’s health. 

Own your birthing journey

You don’t need to be told what to do and you definitely don’t need saving. This is your rite of passage, your hero’s journey, your sacred ceremony, don’t let anyone take what is rightfully yours. Every single part of this transformational journey belongs to you, mama.

Connect to your intuition

Clear away fear and self-doubt and receive guidance from within. Allow the whispers of your intuition to become an almighty roar! Connect to your higher-self and let her guide you through this transformation. 


Deeply Nourished Birth Preparation

My three month one:one birth preparation program, combining naturopathy, with energy work and deep inner healing to unlock your vibrancy and birthing power.

Bespoke Coaching Experiences

Let’s go deep with 1:1 mentorship. Unravel, expand and grow with me as your guide. When we calibrate our energy and there are no limits to where we can go.

Book a one:one intensive session

Get a one-off energy refresh, clear some blocks and get some clarity on the topics of your choice, with a one:one session.